Dead or alive 5 nude

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That last feature may a bit of a turn-off for some, but you please can’t everyone, right? While Freenk’s modding work also changes some of her other costumes, the one we would like to showcase is the one you can see on the screenshots below. First of all, it adds a dark tan to all of Lisa’s skin textures, changes her hair color to black with red highlights and removes all of the sweat. The first mod by Game Vixen Zone forum user Freenk is one of the most complex ones seen to date. This time around we are featuring two different steamy and exotic modifications starring the lovely, tanned luchadora Lisa Hamilton. LewdGamer proposes: Why not offer your body a different kind of “relief” with some high quality lewd Dead or Alive 5 Last Round mods? For many it is time to take a load off and relax with a good video game. The Dead or Alive 5 Last Round modders have finally gotten their hands on the gorgeous Lisa Hamilton.